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About Our Church

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We've Been
Waiting For You!

Welcome Home

Here you will find out a bit more about who we are at

Aiken First Assembly of God.

We pray that through something we do, say, or you read here, you leave you feeling closer to God

and fully immersed in His love!

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A Heart For God

From the day we opened in 1964,

the Heart of

Aiken First Assembly of God

has beat for bringing souls to Jesus.

From Jeans to Dresses,

Beloved Old Hymns to Contemporary

Favorites, Aiken AG is a melting pot

that is sure to make you feel welcome

and fit right in from the moment

you walk through the doors.

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the Faith

In our Modern times, it seems hard to find some where that helps to train us to be in the world, but not of the world.

At Aiken AG, our goal is to help you through God inspired Preaching, Worship, and Fellowship to be armed and dangerous to the enemy, but a powerhouse of love to those all over our hurting world.

Our Curricula is designed with bringing you closer to God. To train our children to be diplomats for God in a broken world. To equip our seniors to hold firm the foundations of salvation in a world that is trying it's best to do away with so many Godly morals and values.


As an Assembly of God Church, we are a part of not only an extended network across our county and state, but also a members of a Global Spiritual Community of souls with a drive to see lives made better through a personal relationship with Jesus.

We encompass a variety of ethnicities, work backgrounds, and life experiences that make us a wonderful melting pot of Christians ready to love like God. 

Having such diversity gives us a great ability to reach across many miles and barriers to spread the Message of Hope, Grace, and Mercy that is Jesus!

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